
Here you’ll find inspiration, advice, and best practice all focused on your communication skills development, managing public speaking anxiety, improving your confidence in the workplace, developing effective leadership skills, knowing how best to find a new job or career, and how to understand your strengths, skills and values.

How to make working from home more fun

Working from home and needing to inject some va-va voom into your day? Here are some top tips on how to make completing your to do list feel more glamorous:

  • Wear something with sequins.

  • That pair of shiny earrings? Put' em on. 

  • For men - that crisp shirt with snazzy cufflinks.

  • For introverts - that vibrant pair of socks? Give them their first wearing. Your tootsies will thank you!

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audience, communication skills, language Mica Allan audience, communication skills, language Mica Allan

Why you should speak as you normally do to connect more with people

“I’m almost ready. I’m just going to put on a bit of an earring” I said to my husband.

To be clear I didn’t go out with one boot on. Or with my jacket half on. Or wearing one earring.

I’ve been around for a while and have got the getting dressed thing figured out. But my husband knew what I meant when I made the comment.

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How to boost your confidence by dressing up yourself and your mindset

Everyone has a wobble, a crisis of confidence. This is a story about what one of my role models did when that happened to her.

Colleen was one of my teaching tutors at Uni.

She was creative, had a glint in her eye in the best kind of way and made good teaching look really easy.

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coaching, emotions, feeling, thinking Mica Allan coaching, emotions, feeling, thinking Mica Allan

How coaching helps you understand yourself better

Thinking and feeling. Making considered decisions and being led by emotions. Opposite ends of the spectrum.

I watched Moonstruck this weekend, a film that won three Oscars: two for actresses, Cher and Olympia Dukakis, and one for the screenwriter, John Patrick Shanley. 

Now Moonstruck isn’t a new film. It was made in 1987. But its themes are universal.

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How to introduce yourself so that people's eyes don't glaze over

Looking for a way to introduce yourself?  That won’t have people plastering a polite but not interested smile on their face? And instead instantly start to build rapport and connection?

Here’s how.

Chances are when you give a presentation at an event, you’ve got something prepared for how to introduce yourself to your audience. Do you have this kind of introduction for other audiences?

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Communication lessons from Ted Lasso

It’s back, it’s back! The mild mannered, moustachioed man, Ted Lasso, is here and it’s crammed with terrific communication skills lessons. Like these four gems…

**spoiler alert, go watch episode 1 of season 3 and then come back**

First up, there was some amazing stuff out of the mouths of babes.

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change, growth mindset, new year, career Mica Allan change, growth mindset, new year, career Mica Allan

Finding your next opportunity

Miss Fairley was put together and organised. She could get things done and didn’t suffer fools gladly. And I was sitting in her office. 

I was 15 and had been a Saturday check out girl for a year at a local supermarket. My little fingers flying over the big, grey till as, item by item,  I put through people’s weekly shop. And it was fine. Okay. A 20 minute walk from home.


But I wanted more variety.

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