Adding energy to your presentation

Going to be speaking to a group of folk? Want to engage with your audience? Add more energy to how you present? 

Do this.

First up, you’ll need a bunch of coloured pencils.

So, have a look through your desk tidy, talk nicely to one of your kids or raid that scary kitchen drawer to see what you can find.

Got them?


Next, you’ll need the notes that you have for your speech. 

And for notes, that could be a few things:

It’s all written out beautifully and pretty as a picture

Bullet points and a few scribbles here and there

A mindmap

Then, find a quiet space and sit down to read it through.

This will help you get familiar with your content and your message.

After that read it through again.

This time you're reading to identify what emotions you want to share at which points.

It could be…




Done that?


Now, write down the emotions you've identified.

Then choose a coloured pencil for each emotion.

So, excitement could be the colour red.

Look back at your notes and highlight the section where you want to show these emotions. 

You can do this by circling, underlining or simply putting a straight line down the right hand margin with the appropriate coloured pencil. 

Whatever works to remind you that when you’re sharing this bit of the presentation, you’ll pair your words with that emotion.

Once you’ve done that, you’ve got your blueprint for HOW you deliver your WHAT.

So, what do I do next, Mica?

Well, it’s funny you should ask that.

The next bit involves you practising your presentation and getting feedback and support on how your delivery is landing. 

Where it needs tweaking.

Where it needs dialling up.

And where it needs dialling down.

And that’s something I can help you with, tailored one-to-one support.

Drop me a line if you’d like coaching to develop your public speaking skills.


How communication strategy can create change


Public speaking and using your words well