Popular packages

Coaching Chemistry Session

30 minutes online

Are your communication skills holding you back from exciting careeer opportunities and you want to that?

Are you looking to find the right fit with a coach you can trust and be yourself with but aren’t sure how to go about it?

Would you like to find a coach who’ll meet you where you’re at and create a safe space where you can develop at a pace that’s right for you?

And are you just a bit curious to see what being coached by me is like?

Look no further.

You’re just a few clicks away from that.

Book a chemistry coaching session here - I’m looking forward to meeting you.

Cost - Free

Coaching Power Hour

60 minutes online

Have you got a thing coming up where your communication skills need to be in tip top condition?

Do you want support to improve your confidence and skills but don’t know where to start?

I can show you how to manage your public speaking nerves, how to engage with an audience and have them focusing on you and not one of the 17 tabs they’ve got open, and how to add oomph and energy to your storytelling.

And that’s just for starters. I’ve got loads of techniques and resources to share with you.

Want to feel so much more confident after only 60 minutes where I’ll answer your questions and share my resources?

Book a Power Hour with me - I’m here with lots of communication goodies to make your life so much easier.

Cost - 240 Euros

Communication Lift Off

5 x 60 mins. online coaching

Are you looking to take your career to the next level, but you’ve been told that you need to improve your communication skills? This is the package for you…

It’s the kind of coaching that my clients choose who’re going for that promotion or a new job.

I’ve created 30 fun, focused communication skills exercises that boost your skills and confidence, so that when someone invites you to speak, you’ll actually look forward to it.

After 5 sessions of these exercises, and receiving my feedback and coaching, your way with words will be in a different league.

And you’ll be wanting to show off your brilliant, shiny, new communication skills.

Sound good?

Book a chemistry call with me and let’s get started!

Cost - 1100 Euros


If you’re looking for some more information on working with me and my prices this is the bit for you.

There’s nothing worse than not knowing the cost of something that you’re interested in, is there? All that time scouting around a website to see if there’s something hidden in the small print.

And this is why I share my packages and my prices.

Also, we’re all busy and I don’t want to waste your time.

So, if you’re here it means you’re ready to explore investing in developing your communication, or the development of those in your organisation.

And this could be the start of your communication journey and of that story you tell folk that starts “My communication skills used to be nothing to write home about, and then one day…” and then you put your newly developed smarty pants storytelling skills to work and share your magical transformation from working with me.

But enough chat.

Prices for coaching and workshops are below.


All coaching sessions are 60 minutes long.

🔸 1 coaching session is 240 Euros

🔸 A block of 4 sessions is 900 Euros

🔸 A block of 8 sessions is 1760 Euros

🔸 A block of 12 sessions is 2550 Euros

Curious to learn what a coaching session involves? Click here.


All workshops are delivered live.

🔸 1 hour, online, up to 30 participants is 1210 Euros

🔸 4 hours, either online or face to face, with up to 12 participants is 4840 Euros + potential travel expenses

🔸 7 hours, either online or face to face, with up to 12 participants is 8470 Euros + potential travel expenses

Please note that for EU countries other than The Netherlands, VAT will be added to this cost.

Coaching on the process of developing communication skills

Let's take Jo, my client. She wants to get better at going to meetings with senior leadership and really focus on her public speaking skills so that she can engage and connect at a deeper level with her audience.

And maybe Jo has had a quiet word with her boss who’s told her that her current communication skills aren’t good enough for her to be considered for promotion.

So in a session that focuses on process we'd look at where Jo's skills currently are, where she wants them to be, and what we can do to reduce that gap. And we’d identify different things she could do, new techniques, new ways of communicating to get that improvement. And that's what the process is about.

Coaching on the practice of developing communication skills

So let's get back to our client, Jo. She comes to a coaching session and says "Mica, I've got this speaking thing." Now this might be in 3 hours, 3 days, or in 3 months.

But Jo wants to get prepared. And this is where practice comes in. She might be delivering an update to her team, she might be having an important meeting with her boss, or she might be speaking at a Town Hall for the first time, in front of hundreds and hundreds of people.

And the value of practice is that it lets Jo do this in a safe space.
She can rehearse. Try stuff out. What is working, how does it feel? And I can give her feedback. And these are the benefits of coaching on the practice of developing communication skills.

Coaching and playing to develop communication skills

This is the one that my clients are probably most nervous about but the one they end up having the most fun with. At the beginning it can feel to them like jumping out of a plane with a tea bag as a parachute but once they start doing these exercises they realise it's much more like trampolining. It's exhilarating, really gives them energy, and boy, does it develop their confidence.

So, what kinds of things do we play with? Well, we keep the topics light with simple and helpful prompts. And we even dig a bit deeper and look at techniques that Netflix and Disney use to keep us watching to find out what happens.

After each play we do a feedback session. This kind of coaching has two main benefits. It really develops your confidence - hugely! And the second is that it introduces you to a wide range of communication skills.

Anayla Ford_Mica Allan Consulting_communication skills training, public speaking tips

“I did a 6 month coaching course with Mica, and can truly say that I have noticed a huge difference in my communication and presenting skills. Mica has such inventive exercises which make for a creative and fun learning space. Each session was lead by my choices with suggestions ready when needed - Mica created such a safe space where I felt I could be open with what I needed and wanted to get out of the session.”

Anayla Ford, Account Executive, Howden Insurance Brokers Ltd