How to make working from home more fun

Working from home and needing to inject some va-va voom into your day? Here are some top tips on how to make completing your to do list feel more glamorous:

Wear something with sequins.

That pair of shiny earrings? Put' em on. 

For men - that crisp shirt with snazzy cufflinks.

For introverts - that vibrant pair of socks? Give them their first wearing. Your tootsies will thank you!

Put on some opera music in the background.

Next time you’re at the supermarket, buy a packet of the fancy biscuits for a teatime treat.

Take a break. Paint your nails gold.

Get yourself a cup of tea/coffee in the poshest cup you have.

Book a session with yourself on Zoom and put up the most glamorous backdrop you can find.

This post was inspired by Rowan Ambrose who shared that completing her to do list can feel less than glamorous.

✅ How do you add a bit of glamour to a day that feels blah?


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