
Here you’ll find inspiration, advice, and best practice all focused on your communication skills development, managing public speaking anxiety, improving your confidence in the workplace, developing effective leadership skills, knowing how best to find a new job or career, and how to understand your strengths, skills and values.

career, confidence, creativity, leadership Mica Allan career, confidence, creativity, leadership Mica Allan

Ten top tips for more confidence

I recently wrote about my recent experience at a networking event, that women were holding themselves back and that we need to talk about confidence. In this follow up blog I’m going to share 10 ways that can develop your confidence (whether you’re a woman or a man).

This means that the next time you’re given a brilliant opportunity you’ll reply with gusto “Why of course, I will be there with bells on - just try and stop me!”

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Learning and development lessons from Spiderman - Part 1, Creativity

What would Spiderman do if he had to design a learning and development programme? Be honest - this question has kept you up at night. Spiderman is known for his creative thinking, balance and superhuman strength: just some of the same things I learned at the conference Brave New Learning last week in Amsterdam.

In the first of three reflective blogs, I learned how creative, playful learning can be used to engage folk, get them thinking and inspire them to craft amazing solutions to knotty problems.

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