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audience, communication skills, language Mica Allan audience, communication skills, language Mica Allan

Why you should speak as you normally do to connect more with people

“I’m almost ready. I’m just going to put on a bit of an earring” I said to my husband.

To be clear I didn’t go out with one boot on. Or with my jacket half on. Or wearing one earring.

I’ve been around for a while and have got the getting dressed thing figured out. But my husband knew what I meant when I made the comment.

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How to introduce yourself so that people's eyes don't glaze over

Looking for a way to introduce yourself?  That won’t have people plastering a polite but not interested smile on their face? And instead instantly start to build rapport and connection?

Here’s how.

Chances are when you give a presentation at an event, you’ve got something prepared for how to introduce yourself to your audience. Do you have this kind of introduction for other audiences?

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communication skills, gender, tone, writing Mica Allan communication skills, gender, tone, writing Mica Allan

Why do women use more exclamation marks than men?

Why one little piece of punctuation shapes how we see people, what women can do to be seen as more professional in the workplace and why Hemingway would have had a tough time on social media.

Exclamation marks. Love them or hate them, to exclaim or not to exclaim: that is the question. Because although it’s a teeny tiny thing it punches above its weight. It’s powerful.

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How to write right

I cannot guarantee you’ll fall in love with me but I can promise you the best home-brewed beetroot wine you’ll have ever tasted.

I teach people to become better at communicating and so I love it when I come across real life examples of communication that hit the spot. This week, two pieces of writing stopped me in my tracks. One is about love, and the other is about the life of perhaps the most fascinating person you’ve never heard of.

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