
Here you’ll find inspiration, advice, and best practice all focused on your communication skills development, managing public speaking anxiety, improving your confidence in the workplace, developing effective leadership skills, knowing how best to find a new job or career, and how to understand your strengths, skills and values.

How to run a meeting people want to stay awake for

Picture the scene: you’re at the top of the table. Sitting around you are people from different departments and organisations, and they all know their stuff. They’ve got facts and figures at their fingertips.

They’re looking to you to run the meeting. And you’re looking to put your public speaking tips into action to impress. What do you do?

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Lead like Chris Martin

Do you have a headful of dreams but leadership causes you some trouble? Do you need something to help fix you? Something that's magic? Look no further, you'll be on the up and up before you know it with these leadership lessons from Chris Martin.

I saw Coldplay last weekend. It was a recording of their concert from the night before in Buenos Aires shown in the cinema. What was it like? Well, it ticked a few boxes.

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change, coaching, goals, leadership Mica Allan change, coaching, goals, leadership Mica Allan

What it’s like to be coached

You climb the ladder, and through a small cloud, there it is… new people to meet and new experiences to be had. And each time a new land to explore: the Land of Birthdays, the Land of Goodies, the Land of Take-What-You-Want and the Land of Do-As-You-Please.

I recently re-read one of my favourite books as a child, "The Enchanted Wood" by Enid Blyton. It was written a while back, in 1939, but in many ways it was the Harry Potter of its day.

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leadership, kindness, teams, resilience Mica Allan leadership, kindness, teams, resilience Mica Allan

What I learned from young leaders

“The best course in leadership the school offers” is how it’s often referred to at The Hotelschool The Hague: a five day outdoor programme in The Ardennes, Belgium.

Twelve young leaders are thrown together to complete a range of assignments, 2 night time hikes with overnight camps, a bunch of new leadership theory and not a lot of sleep. Having gone as a co-trainer on a retreat here’s what I learned…

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The joy of missing out

You’ve probably heard of the fear of missing out (FOMO) but what about the joy of missing out (JOMO). Do you know about the great benefits of JOMO?

“People are worried about why you’re not going out” Martin said. I was then a 22 year old student and my friend was disappointed I was yet again not joining the crowd downtown on a Thursday night.

But I had plans.

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career, confidence, creativity, leadership Mica Allan career, confidence, creativity, leadership Mica Allan

Ten top tips for more confidence

I recently wrote about my recent experience at a networking event, that women were holding themselves back and that we need to talk about confidence. In this follow up blog I’m going to share 10 ways that can develop your confidence (whether you’re a woman or a man).

This means that the next time you’re given a brilliant opportunity you’ll reply with gusto “Why of course, I will be there with bells on - just try and stop me!”

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coaching, leadership, manager, teams Mica Allan coaching, leadership, manager, teams Mica Allan

Being a new manager

Congratulations, you've been promoted! Your stellar communication and leadership skills have been noticed and you're now in charge of motivating, guiding and looking after a group of people. Your team.

Whilst getting results is about doing stuff, a lot about being a manager is asking the right questions to help shift people's thinking to help them make decisions to get their own results. You can support your team members by using the following simple framework.

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coaching, leadership, goals, trust Mica Allan coaching, leadership, goals, trust Mica Allan

Why great coaching is like the classic cream tea

What’s coaching got to do with a cream tea? Quite a lot actually. A scone with just the right amount of crumble. Clotted cream that delivers heaven. Jam that is jamish in all the right ways. Served on elegant china and savoured with a great pot of tea.

If you’re thinking about coaching, here are a few things you should consider. And yes, what with the power of metaphor and the mention of yummy cakes, reading this might make your mouth water.

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