
Hi, I’m Mica.

The communications skills wizard you’ve been looking for.

I can show you how to use your words well to develop solid working relationships, deliver constructive feedback, and manage relationships with stakeholders and customers all in a clear, supportive way.

I’ll introduce you to a range of communication techniques and provide a safe space as you grow your communication muscles and push outside of your boundaries.

Coming from a teaching background, I know that learning is best done when people are engaged. So my coaching and courses contain variety, play and creativity.

And feedback I receive from clients is that they find working with me educational and entertaining.

So, you’ll find some fun approaches and resources. A duck billed platypus (not a real one). The favourite item in your fridge. Page 29 of that book fourth from the left behind you.

You’ll also find quiet, reflective exercises to get you tilting your head, squinting your eyes a bit and thinking about something from a different perspective.

And this is the kind of stuff people get up to when they work with me. Sound like your cup of tea?

If so, drop me a line and tell me a little about how you’d like to develop your communication skills.

For more on my professional and personal background, keep reading…

My story

I was seven when I decided I wanted to be a teacher and I’ve now been happily working in learning and development for over 25 years in four different countries – the UK, Italy, Iceland and currently, The Netherlands.

In developing people’s communication skills, I’ve worked with clients in many different industries. And I coach and train people in all kinds of roles: those in their first jobs, independent contributors, managers, directors, VPs, entrepreneurs and political ministers.

All of my qualifications are focused in the education field.

I’m a qualified English teacher, CIPD certified trainer, ICF PCC coach, a certified team coach, and a licensed career coach. In addition, I’ve got two Master’s degrees – in Qualitative Research Methods and International Education. I use all of these to get the best out of others and develop their confidence, skills and knowledge. And as an ICF PCC Coach I abide by their Code of Ethics.

So, that’s the professional bit about me.

For more of a personal background, I’m originally from Edinburgh, Scotland.

Marrying a lovely Viking took me to live in Iceland, The Land of Fire and Ice, and my Viking and I now live in The Netherlands, The Land of Tulips and Cheese, near the beautiful city of Amsterdam.

Finally, here are 5 fun facts about me:

🔸 I colour in to chill out
🔸 I’m a West Wing nut and have seen the series 8 times
🔸 There are 31 different kinds of tea in my kitchen
🔸 I was a freelance writer for 11 years
🔸 I’ve run 2 public speaking and debating clubs, debating in international competitions

How do I use these skills to help people develop their career and their communication skills?

And what’s the impact for those that I work with?

Read below to find out from my happy clients.

  • Testimonial for Mica Allan, PCC, Communication Skills, Career and Team Coach

    “Working with Mica is effective and fun. I appreciated the sharing of best practices and external resources, and the training with very creative exercises. After our journey together, my communication skills are really boosted."

    Giorgia Candiani
    Head of Data Analytics

  • Jordan Hurcombe, Mica Allan Consulting, active listening skills, leadership development, mentoring and coaching, career development

    “Mica's workshop has been one of the highlights of the program for our Multiverse Mentors. Mica's delivery style is fun, interactive and engaging, whilst packing a punch with easily digestable content and opportunities for attendees to really apply their learning. Mica communicated throughout the workshop design, always taking feedback on board and being flexible in her approach, and her authenticity and passion for her work shined through at every stage in the process.”

    Jordan Hurcombe
    Senior Manager

  • Testimonial for Mica Allan, PCC, Communication Skills, Career and Team Coach

    “Mica coached me during a career transition. I was leaving a toxic work environment and seeking clarity to find a new role aligned with my values and career objectives. Mica was incredible at asking questions that made me reflect on things from a different angle, bringing fresh perspective. Mica also has a great memory and keeps connecting the dots throughout the coaching process. On top of everything, she is incredibly kind, thoughtful and a great listener. What a fantastic coaching experience!”

    Patricia Bittencourt
    Senior Business Partner

  • Testimonial for Mica Allan, PCC, Communication Skills, Career and Team Coach

    "Mica’s insights, tips, and constructive feedback have helped me navigate various communication challenges. Mica’s coaching has not only improved my ability to articulate thoughts effectively but has also boosted my confidence professionally and personally. I am grateful to you, Mica, for your time and effort, providing immensely valuable strategies and tools. Your approach, expertise and genuine commitment to my growth, has made a significant impact on my communication."

    Kalpana S.
    Zonal Sales Manager
    Envu India