
How communication coaching can benefit you

When I start working with a new client I’m asked 2 things:

1) What improvements will this coaching bring me?

2) How often should I have coaching?

So, I’ve put together this handy little guide to answer those questions with 3 kinds of clients I regularly work with.

And just in case you’re thinking, yeah, I bet it’s just those who are more junior in their career who turn up with these challenges, I’m here to tell you that’s not the case.

Really, it’s not.

Clients I coach on the topics below range from individual contributors, managers, directors, VP level, C-suite executives, senior civil servants and political ministers.

So, if you see yourself in the following examples, know that you’re in good company. And that people in senior leadership positions recognise the value in keeping their communication skills in tip top condition.

Example 1: I’ve been told that my communication skills need work

If this is you, you’re not alone.

Feedback you’ve heard is, “Stop using all the words and just say what you mean,” or “Speak up and say more, we need to hear you as well as see you.”

Do you recognise yourself in either of those descriptions? Are you that person talking like it’s an Olympic sport or do others forget you’re actually there because you’re not using your words very much at all?

🔸 Yup, that’s me, Mica! So, how do you work with clients who come to you with these challenges?

We dig into what’s holding you back and then we identify ways you can offer value when you communicate without having to turn into someone you’re not. And I also introduce you to communication techniques and strategies that help you dial up or dial down your communication.

What are the benefits of this? The coaching improves your relationships and deepens connections with others. And it also gives you much more confidence and a better understanding of how to use your words depending on your audience’s needs, and boosts perhaps the number one communication skill. Which is listening.

Listening makes everyone think you are truly amazing and just so easy to talk to.

Think about that for a moment.

How totally brilliant does it feel when you’ve really been listened to?

🔸 And how long does it take to get those results?

For best results clients book a session a week for 6 - 8 sessions.

Example 2: I’ve been relying on my natural communication skills, but they don’t seem to be getting me any further and, well, I’m a bit stuck to be honest

You’re pretty confident, and have been winging it when you speak at a meeting or an event. You don’t prepare much. Which means your communication is okay. But it also means you’re not really impressing people.

Is this you?

If so, you may feel that the time has come to develop solid communication skills to improve how others see you and support your career and maybe even go for that promotion that you know you’d be fantastic at.

🔸 How did you know, Mica? I’ve been coasting on that 2 day communication course I did more than a decade ago! So, how do you work with clients who come to you with these challenges?

It’s time to roll up your sleeves, have some fun and practice my range of fun, communication exercises. And then try out these techniques at work.

What are the benefits of this? You’ll find that the speed of change in your communication is huge. Really huge. Whether you’re giving an informal update to colleagues, using the whole 3 minutes you have to report to senior leadership in a meeting (it was 10 minutes, but hey, time is short), or managing stakeholders armed with a list of needs as long as the queue for the ice cream shop on a hot day.

🔸 And how long does it take to get those results?

For best results clients book a session a week for 8 - 12 weeks.

Example 3: I need to prepare to speak at an event

You’ve a thing coming up where there will be lots of eyes on you and people expecting you to say something spectacular. This could be a presentation or an interview. You want a safe space to practice and get feedback on what you’ll be saying, how you deliver your message, and make sure you do it with style and presence.

🔸 Yes, that’s me, that is! The date for this event is seared into my brain and galloping towards me. So, how do you work with clients who come to you with these challenges?

Think of it like the work a mechanic does. Imagine that your message is a car engine. And so we adjust, tweak, and refine. A bit of tinkering here and a bit there. And then we spend time rehearsing your talk or your interview and make it even better through feedback and practice.

We also look at how best to support your energy to get you in the best frame of mind before your thing.

What are the benefits of this? That when you deliver your message for real in front of your audience, you’re more confident, more authentic and calmer.

🔸 And how long does it take to get those results?

For best results clients book two sessions a week in the 3 - 4 weeks before the event.

So, how are your communication skills?

Where would you rate them on a scale of 1-10? (be honest!)

And… are you happy with that number?

If you’re looking to develop your communication skills and enjoy the benefits this brings drop me a line.

Daniela Victorino, Mica Allan Consulting, leadership development, active listening, public speaking training, presentation skills

“Communication coaching with Mica is having a huge impact on my professional development. She has helped me change my attitude towards presentations from avoiding them as much as possible to enjoying every step, from preparation to delivery, and seeing the positive impact of working in my communication skills.

Mica's sessions are a shot of good energy and a safe space. She genuinely cares, listens intently and finds the perfect balance between conversations and hands-on sessions. Exercises are thoughtfully chosen, ensuring that they are relevant and valuable as well as fun.”

Daniela Victorino, Senior Researcher, Smallpdf

“I highly recommend Mica as a communication coach. My overall communication style was quite bland before meeting Mica. However, through different exercises with her, I not only  improved my style, but also gained a lot more confidence in communicating. She really listens and analyses your speaking and provides constructive detailed feedback. She gets to the core of the problem. Thank you so much for helping me, Mica!”

Dee Kim, Principal UX Designer, F5 Networks, Inc