Do you want better communication skills, more confidence and a career that’s going places?
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1) Techniques to improve your communication skills
2) Examples of brilliant communication skills
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Here you’ll find inspiration and practical advice all focused on your communication skills development, managing public speaking anxiety, improving your confidence in the workplace, developing effective leadership skills, knowing how best to find a new role or career, learning how to get promoted and understanding your strengths, skills and values.
Adding energy to your presentation
Going to be speaking to a group of folk? Want to engage with your audience? Add more energy to how you present?
Do this.
First up, you’ll need a bunch of coloured pencils.
Public speaking and using your words well
I’ve music on in the background and I’m thinking “There’s something odd going on here. Something strange.”
I listened.
And then I heard it…
Communication lessons from royalty
She takes a step forward and the crowd goes wild. It‘s a moment of huge celebration. And yet also of danger.
When we think of public speaking we think of the what.
A rule from rugby to improve meetings?
A rule from rugby that could improve meetings…? Sounds a bit mad? Maybe not!
The Six Nations Rugby Championship is on right now and so lots of fit men are running after a ball to cheering crowds.
What marketing teaches us about public speaking
The world’s worst marketing you’ve never seen.
Communication lessons from Iceland
Lessons from life in an igloo, chatty horses and dealing with emergencies.
Good communication skills are about being able to go up and down the gears smoothly.
To know the bonding effects of words, and to know when too many words can be dangerous.
Actions speak louder than words, or how not to spook someone
A tale of terrifying your waitress, what food tastes like in heaven and managing our energy.
Taste-tacular (it’s a word. I’ve just made it up).
Picture, if you will, the following…
How improv theatre helps me be a better coach
What have all these things got in common?
David Attenborough
A puppy
A cloud full of rain
A star
The girlfriend of a clown
Finding your next opportunity
Miss Fairley was put together and organised. She could get things done and didn’t suffer fools gladly. And I was sitting in her office.
I was 15 and had been a Saturday check out girl for a year at a local supermarket. My little fingers flying over the big, grey till as, item by item, I put through people’s weekly shop. And it was fine. Okay. A 20 minute walk from home.
But I wanted more variety.
How to support others
Attention: the following may positively improve the quality of your relationships.
A story about mushrooms, one of the best no nonsense cooks, and taking your time.
How to manage nerves at that important meeting
Important meeting coming up? Nervous? Mouth dry? Wanting to show engagement and value but not comfortable speaking a lot?
Try these 3 techniques.
Thanksgiving and leading with your gut
A tale about New York, travelling your way and why you should be grateful for what your gut’s telling you this Thanksgiving.
The 2 policemen looked at me like I was a bit nuts. “It’s like 20 blocks away” one of them repeated, raising an eyebrow.
How to make a special gathering
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. The four men harmonised as they sang. A bottle of red wine was open and there was laughter. Although this was a weekly get together between old friends it felt unique.
I will remember this, I thought, sitting in the visitor’s chair, an audience of one.
Lead like Chris Martin
Do you have a headful of dreams but leadership causes you some trouble? Do you need something to help fix you? Something that's magic? Look no further, you'll be on the up and up before you know it with these leadership lessons from Chris Martin.
I saw Coldplay last weekend. It was a recording of their concert from the night before in Buenos Aires shown in the cinema. What was it like? Well, it ticked a few boxes.
Why leaders should ask questions
“If the day I came out of your tummy is called my birthday, what is the day called when I went into your tummy?” I reckon there was quite a pause, then.
You can imagine that was a special mother and son conversation...
Kids are curious. It’s how they learn. And they ask lots of questions.
Experimenting with coaching
Life can be full of big questions. Like, is this soup or is it a facemask?
It’s getting a bit darker as November draws near and I was craving something comforting and in the mood to do a bit of cooking.
Did I want to find a recipe and line up my ingredients on the kitchen worktops or did I want to be a bit cavalier and chuck in a bit of this and a bit of that, tasting as I went along.
What do coaches get coaching on?
You know how some coaches have their own coach? What do they talk about? This is what they talk about …
“So, you said you feel like a pinball in a machine?" my coach asked me.
“Yes,” I said.
I’d had a busier than usual week with two courses on top of things and extended working hours. I was juggling more.
Your audience loves it when you do this
Lying, relaxing floating on a blissful cloud with an “Oooh” and an “Ahhhhhhh.” Versus, lying with every muscle taught waiting for the moment when there’s pain followed by a series of sharp intakes of breath.
There’s a street in Amsterdam which has a gorgeous, nurturing massage place next door to a waxing shop. I’m not making this up. I’m wondering how that works.
A story of high heels, hiking boots and change
A story of heels, hiking boots and help for navigating change. "Does she still wear red as much?" I recently met with an old university friend and he was asked by our other uni’ friends to find out the answer to this question.
From my first pay check working at a supermarket check out, I bought a tomato red jogging suit.
Deepening connections with others
When we think of communication we often think of talking. However, rather than using our words to tell, we can use them to ask questions that deepen our connections to others and get them talking.
How well do you know your team and your colleagues? Is it all business business business or do you know them personally?