What do coaches get coaching on?

You know how some coaches have their own coach? What do they talk about? This is what they talk about …

“So, you said you feel like a pinball in a machine?" my coach asked me.

“Yes,” I said.

I’d had a busier than usual week with two courses on top of things and extended working hours. I was juggling more.

I also work from home, which is a bit of a double edged sword. You *can* decide where and when to do a lot of things. And that freedom can be quite lovely.

On the other hand you can work all the wee hours the day brings, ‘cos quite frankly, there’s always something to do, isn’t there?

My coach and I spoke about what I was doing and how that was helping me manage my energy and the pinball in a machine-like feeling I’d been getting of being whizzed here and there and then back again.

We spoke about what I could do to build in more intentional rest and recharge occasions.

My coach offered up her observations of the effect my rest and recharge occasions seemed to be having on me - that they were acting as the flicker in a pinball machine.

That they give me a boost.

And this is true.

However, sometimes rest and recharge occasions can feel like a luxury when in fact, they’re a necessity.

Here are some of my pinball flickers.

⌚️ When I have/make 5 minutes: walk around hamster like while the kettle boils for tea, watch the video of an upbeat song that makes me smile (e.g. Coldplay’s Adventure of a Lifetime).

⏰ When I have/make 15 minutes: grab my coat and walk round the block. Doesn’t matter about the weather. Matters about getting fresh air on my face and moving my body. Sit down in the living room and have a coffee with my lovely husband, who also WFH.

🕰 When I have 30 minutes: colour in (I’ve moved on from fish to birds, now), listen to part of a podcast, work related or not, often better if it’s nothing to do with work as it gives more of a sense of a “brain break” from anything coaching, leadership or communication focused, call a friend to hear what’s happening in their life.

And having a menu of things to choose from, whether it’s for a few minutes or a little longer really helps navigate a busy day.

What are you building into your day to help you rest and recharge?


Experimenting with coaching


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