Experimenting with coaching

Life can be full of big questions. Like, is this soup or is it a facemask?

It’s getting a bit darker as November draws near and I was craving something comforting and in the mood to do a bit of cooking.
Did I want to find a recipe and line up my ingredients on the kitchen worktops or did I want to be a bit cavalier and chuck in a bit of this and a bit of that, tasting as I went along.

I decided on the latter.

Lentil soup is the idea I started with.

It then became lentil, root vegetable and coconut soup.

😃 The first day my husband and I ate it, it was good.

😋 The second time we had some it was quite good.

🙂 When I opened the fridge door the following day it looked like some healthy pudding that you can buy in the kind of yoga studios where people are tiny and the monthly memberships are huge.

And it still tasted alright (you’ll note the descending order of adjectives here - good, quite good, alright) but by then the consistency alone was making me wonder if I should eat it or slap it on my face for 30 mins and sit back and chill to then emerge all dewy skinned.

When I work with my lovely coaching clients we often explore what steps they might take to work towards an outcome they’re after. We think about what's in their power to do that could get them nearer to their goal.

And this is often framed as an experiment.

Sometimes, things work out brilliantly, sometimes there are gems to be picked up along the way and sometimes you learn what isn’t for you.

Where was my soup in all of that?

I’m still not sure. I don’t think I’m rushing to repeat the cooking session but I did have fun making it and it made me feel creative.

And often that’s good enough.

Trying out new things and experimenting brings lots of things.

Sometimes it’s about the destination. And sometimes it’s about the journey.

What can you experiment with today?


Why leaders should ask questions


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