Deepening connections with others

When we think of communication we often think of talking. However, rather than using our words to tell, we can use them to ask questions that deepen our connections to others and get them talking.

How well do you know your team and your colleagues?

Is it all business business business or do you know them personally?

If you do, chances are you’ll have a stronger team with more trust and people who feel a greater sense of belonging.

What about this question “What brings you joy?”

It’s a small question with a big potential to get to know people better.

This is what brings me joy:

Chocolate ice cream that’s just the right amount of chocolatey.
That special kind of light in the sky at dusk, turquoise meets tangerine.
Being by the ocean.

What brings you joy?

How can the questions you ask deepen connection to those you work with? And how can you build these questions into a regular habit to make your team stronger?


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