What it’s like to be coached

You climb the ladder, and through a small cloud, there it is… new people to meet and new experiences to be had. And each time a new land to explore: the Land of Birthdays, the Land of Goodies, the Land of Take-What-You-Want and the Land of Do-As-You-Please.

I recently re-read one of my favourite books as a child, "The Enchanted Wood" by Enid Blyton. It was written a while back, in 1939, but in many ways it was the Harry Potter of its day.

I think it was my first experience of how books let you travel within your head. And for 7 year old me this was very exciting. Still is, actually.

In “The Enchanted Wood” a young family moves to the country and on their doorstep is a wood. In the wood is a tree, a magical tree, full of all kinds of characters, Silky, a fairy, and the mischievous Moonface, who, you’ve guessed it, has a face like a moon and Dame Washalot who frequently drenches people with basins of soapy water.

The three children, Joe, Beth and Frannie, have a whole bunch of adventures in the lands they discover at the top of the tree.

🌟 And part of the magic is that their adventures are always changing because different lands rotate. Some stay a while, and some are brief, but they all move on.

Life is like that. 

There are times when we’re faced with a knotty challenge that slows us down, when lots of things collide and we’re trying to create balance, and when life can lack oomph and things need a bit of a gentle kick up the backside.

In many ways we all have our own experiences of going through that cloud at the top of the tree, and managing and navigating change.

As a coach, each time I meet a client they’re very often in a different land than they were the last time I met with them. 

🧡 And that’s part of the joy of being a coach.

I get to partner with them on that journey and support them as they work towards their goals.

Here’s to the magic and adventure of life as we all figure out our own paths and put our head above the clouds to see where we’re at today.


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