
Here you’ll find inspiration, advice, and best practice all focused on your communication skills development, managing public speaking anxiety, improving your confidence in the workplace, developing effective leadership skills, knowing how best to find a new job or career, and how to understand your strengths, skills and values.

Here's how to stand out in the job market brightly and boldly

If you’re looking for a new job, or a change in career there’s one thing you can benefit from knowing really well and one thing you shouldn’t be scared to do.

So, what am I talking about?

First up, knowing your skillset well means you know yourself well, meaning that you know what you’re good at, what you enjoy doing and the benefits these skills bring to others. As for the one thing that you shouldn’t be scared of – that’s standing out.

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How to supercharge your career growth and get your mojo back

So, you’re bored in your job. Or you’re feeling lost and wondering what to do about it.

And like colourful flowers in a meadow, there are lots of jobs that catch your eye. But how do you know which is the right one for you? Ever thought of career coaching?

Career coaching is getting to know yourself better so that you can explore what you’ve done in the past and the present that lights you up and use this to discover what your next role can be.

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