Here's how to stand out in the job market brightly and boldly

If you’re looking for a new job, or a change in career there’s one thing you can benefit from knowing really well and one thing you shouldn’t be scared to do. 

So, what am I talking about?

First up, knowing your skillset well means you know yourself well, meaning that you know what you’re good at, what you enjoy doing and the benefits these skills bring to others.

As for the one thing that you shouldn’t be scared of – that’s standing out.

Because you want to do this in as positive a way as possible in the job market.

How to discover your top skills

As a licensed career coach I use the Firework ™️ framework with my clients. And we move through three different phases, exploring, dreaming, and discovering, to identify a role that my client would love to do.

These three phases have over 60 practical, creative, and fun exercises. That’s not to say I do all 60 with a client but that there’s a host of exercises to choose from depending on their focus, need and timeframe.

These exercises let my client really get to know their current skillset, because skills change and develop over time, and how they can stand out in the job market.

I’m going to share a condensed version of an exercise that you can do to explore your skillset.


Here we go.

Questions to help you find your next great job

🟡 Imagine you’re having a brilliant day at work. If someone was following you around with a video camera, what activities would the recording show? – this tells you the skills that you’re most happy using.

🟡 Think of a piece of work that you’ve done that makes you proud. What skills were you using? – this tells you how your skills are connected to your values.

🟡 Think about a time when you surprised yourself by doing something that you didn’t know you could do. What were the skills you used? – this tells you about your resiliency, resourcefulness and how you develop your skills.

So, grab a cuppa and some quiet time to think about these questions.

Write down your answers to them.

And you’ll find that you get to know yourself and your skills better. And it’ll help you identify what makes you stand out as the unique person that you are.

All of which gets you closer to your next job.


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