How to supercharge your career growth and get your mojo back

So, you’re bored in your job. Or you’re feeling lost and wondering what to do about it.

And like colourful flowers in a meadow, there are lots of jobs that catch your eye. But how do you know which is the right one for you?

Ever thought of career coaching?

Career coaching is getting to know yourself better so that you can explore what you’ve done in the past and the present that lights you up and use this to discover what your next role can be.

⛔️ Not what your teachers told you.

⛔️ Not what loved ones feel you should do.

⛔️ And not what you feel society thinks you should be doing.

What happens in career coaching?

As a licensed career coach, when I work with clients we get creative, have juicy conversations, and they find a role that makes them smile.

We spend time doing three things: exploring, dreaming and discovering.

Exploring your career potential

This is what happens in the explore bit:

My clients get to know themselves better: what their values are and who they are when they’re at their very best.

We answer questions like:

💪🏽 What skills and talents do you love to use?

💎 What does meaningful work look like to you?

💓 What work have you done that fills you with pride?

Dreaming about new possible and rewarding jobs

Then we spend time dreaming. 

This is what happens in the dreaming bit:

My client brainstorm, and visualise, using what they’re learned about themselves from the work we’ve done in the exploring bit.

We answer questions like:

💡 What work themes are lighting you up?

🧩 What range of career possibilities match with your strengths, skills and values?

🛝 Which of these possibilities could you try out to see if they're a good fit?

How to discover if a new job works for you

Finally, we spend time discovering. 

By this point my client will have created a vision for a new role or career.

In this part of the journey we create a plan to make that vision a reality.

We do things like:

🔗 Look at the current reality of my client’s role and make a bridge between that and their vision.

📝 We dig deeper, and this vision becomes an action plan with bite sized steps to take.

🕵️ My client tries out some “shift projects” to get practical experience of this new role, which involves:

👥 Getting real experience doing this – voluntary, part time, shadowing others.

⏰ Making sure these are relatively short and quick, think a few hours or few weeks, so that time isn’t wasted on something that’s not a good fit for you.

🎈 They’re done in a playful, curious way to explore and learn.

And that’s career coaching.

Exercises to help you out of your boring job

In my next two posts I’ll share exercises that can help support you if you're feeling a bit down about work. Because you don’t have to be. We spent a lot of time working and it should be something that makes you smile.

And these exercises that I'll share can help you start to make a much-needed change.

And get your smile back.


Here's how to stand out in the job market brightly and boldly


Discovering the silver lining: life lessons from a dull job