Life lessons from a spatula that bring more joy

Life lessons from a spatula.

And something you could make for your lunch without much hassle.

Yes, a recipe of sorts!

Living in a different culture can show you new things. Enter “The Bakkerswinkel.”

It’s the name of the Amsterdam cafe where I first ate this scrumptious, yummy food.

This is it:

▸ Slice of sourdough bread
▸ Fried egg on top of that
▸ Slice of cheese that was placed on the egg in the last 10/15 seconds of it being cooked.

It is so friggin' delicious.

Puts a giant smile on your face.

Something to bring joy.


Having moved house recently we ate our first Bakkerswinkel in the new place.

Mouths were watering.

Eggs were cooking.

Then we realised we didn’t have a spatula.

And so the gas was turned off and half unpacked boxes rummaged through.

I’m happy to tell you we averted disaster.

The spatula was found and the eggs were cooked.

And it was a lovely first in our new home!

Which brings me neatly from spatulas to communication.

Sometimes we need to turn off the gas when we don’t have the tools to communicate.

And then go get those tools, even if we have to open all the boxes to do so.

That can be the simplest way to a more joyful exchange that feels easier and more positive.

What’s your process with communicating?

✅ Are you a planner who likes to get everything sorted out and organised before you communicate?

✅ Do you prefer spontaneity and have confidence you’ll find the right words when you need them?

✅ Or do you prefer a flexible approach depending on what the message is that you’re communicating and who the audience is?

P.S. And do try the Bakkerswinkel. It’s so delicious!


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