
Here you’ll find inspiration and practical advice all focused on your communication skills development, managing public speaking anxiety, improving your confidence in the workplace, developing effective leadership skills, knowing how best to find a new role or career, learning how to get promoted and understanding your strengths, skills and values.

Great conversation starters for folk you've no idea how to speak to

Talking to people you don’t know can be tricky. And talking to people you know and have nothing in common with can also be tricky. And yet we’ve all been there, sitting beside somebody and thinking “I just have no idea what to say to you.”

Here are 5 tips to manage that situation and turn your frustration into fun and maybe even end up having a pretty great chat and getting to know that person on a different level rather than talking about the weather.

Here are the tips:

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How to deliver the most creative presentation in only 6 minutes and 40 seconds

Being creative with how we communicate can pays dividends. How we present something can grab people’s attention. Make them sit up and take notice.

But how do you do this? You can use a different shape for your talk. Spice things up a bit.

Take the Pecha Kucha format.

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The rollercoaster at the edge of your sofa's back. Got your sequins ready?

Emotional triggers. Grinning madly. Then welling up moments later. Giving a crap about something. Excitement. Every minute dripping with glamour. A few laughs.

There’s one show on the telly right now that's nailing all of these.

Mainly because of the range of emotions it manages and creates and the sheer excitement it can pack into a couple of hours.

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