Great conversation starters for folk you've no idea how to speak to
Talking to people you don’t know can be tricky. And talking to people you know and have nothing in common with can also be tricky. And yet we’ve all been there, sitting beside somebody and thinking “I just have no idea what to say to you.”
Here are 5 tips to manage that situation and turn your frustration into fun and maybe even end up having a pretty great chat and getting to know that person on a different level rather than talking about the weather.
Here are the tips:
1) Ask “What’s the best thing that’s happened to you this year?” This doesn’t have to be big, just something that made the person happy.
2) Ask “What are you looking forward to next year/over the summer?” Is it a holiday, starting a new hobby or is their a new addition in their family?
3) This is a great question if you’re at an event meeting new people. Ask “What do you do for fun?” Is it gaming, singing in a band, or playing 5 a side football? Julie Diver from Edinburgh marketing agency, “39 Steps,” told me about this one – cheers, Julie!
And here are the last 2 tips for you before you go any social gathering or networking event.
4) Think about your answers to each of these questions because you’re probably going to be asked “And what about you?”
5) This is one that celebrities use on the chat show circuit all the time. They share the same stories. And you can do this, too. Choose 3 or 4 stories that you’re comfortable sharing about what you’ve been doing recently and this will mean you can answer this question “So, what have you been up to?”
And there you go, you’re more prepared for those social get togethers and networking events, already!
What would you add to this list?