Celebrating more visibility with one teeny tiny but mighty letter

A website’s a place to announce things, isn’t it? And I’ve just done one small thing that’s made a big difference.

And it’s this.


Don’t worry, I still answer to Mica.

And also to The Communication Skills Wizard®️.

Which is now a trademark.


And in my head there’s now a kind of fanfare going on, and that amidst a bonker’s busy year, personally and professionally, I’ve also ticked this off the list.

Kind of feels like I’ve put a “ring on it” and made things more permanent.

What have you ticked off your list that’s put a spring in your step?

Which steps can you take to improving your visibility?

And how can you use your words to move your career forward?


Does your writing feel dead? Here's how to spark more life into it


The one thing that's king and core to your communication