Here’s my third and final post on how to manage your inner critic, and today it’s all about changing the tune that you listen to.

Imagine the scene.

Something’s happened and you’re not happy about what you said or did.

And in your head the Ballad of Regret is playing big time.

Why did you do this?

Why didn’t you do that?

What WERE you thinking?

Research shows us that when we do this we’ll perform worse next time.

So, instead of playing the Ballad of Regret get into the groove of wishful thinking.

What else could you have done?

What might you have said to produce a more positive response?

Where could you have behaved differently?

These questions adopt a problem solving mindset.

And research shows this is more likely to lead to successful outcomes in future.

Which is great news, isn’t it?

So, the next time you mess up, think about what soundtrack might be about to start playing loudly in your head.

And tune your inner critic into supporting you..

If you missed my other 2 posts on managing your inner critic you can find them here and here.


Control the words around you, control your world


Swapping chaos for calm and how to manage the little voices in your head