Swapping chaos for calm and how to manage the little voices in your head

D’you know that voice in your head? Recently, I posted the first way to manage that. Here’s a second way you can tame the voice if it’s getting a bit big for its boots and all bossy and judgy with you. And it’s to do with having good manners.

Using this technique lets you create distance between you and your thoughts.

And puts in a bit of a boundary.

And why’s that important? 

Because research shows we can then think more clearly without getting swamped in a spiral of our thoughts.

And when that voice in your head addresses you by name, it creates this distance.

Here are some examples:

“Barbie, what ARE you thinking wearing that? It’s not even remotely pink!”

“Carlos, Carlos, Carlos…how could you miss that volley? Call yourself a champion, do you?”

“Oi! Tom…you’ve only jumped out of 7 planes this morning. That’s hardly trying now, is it?”

Now, you’re not the most famous doll on the planet, the Wimbledon winner or Mr Cruise.

And this might sound clunky or weird referring to yourself in the 3rd person, but it gives you that buffer.

And that’s a good thing.

Try it out.

Teach your inner voice some manners.

And have it address you by your name.

Seize the distance it gives.

And the extra space to just be you.


Why your inner critic will thank you for wishful thinking


How to control your inner critic by checking in with yourself