How to control your inner critic by checking in with yourself

Your inner critic. The sh*tty committee. Fred. Or perhaps Tabitha. Do you have a name for the voice in your head? The one that judges and gets a bit bossy?

This is the first of 3 posts where I’ll share ways of managing that voice, the one that often tells us we’re not good enough or we’ve messed up or not been 100% perfect.

This first method is to check in with yourself.

Literally for a minute, 3 or 4 times a day. 

Set a reminder on your phone.

Stop what you’re doing.

Check in on your mood.

Where’s it at?

And ask yourself these 3 questions:

  1. Am I stuck in my head?

  2. Is the voice in my head in charge?

  3. What’s the evidence for these thoughts?

Just like you refresh screens, use the check-in to reframe and refresh.

Take a step back from the busyness of your day.

Treat yourself as kindly as you would a friend.

Give yourself a break - perhaps literally.

Our days can be consumed with the doing, doing, doing.

Make time to step out of that and your mood will thank you for it.


Swapping chaos for calm and how to manage the little voices in your head


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