How to speak more clearly

Being clear with your words and sharing your message. And then getting out of your way.

But it’s easier said than done, isn’t it?

And when you can do that, it makes everyone’s life easier. Including yours.

That’s where practicing communication skills exercises can really help.

I do this exercise with my clients and they’re amazed at how much it helps them communicate clearly.

Want to try it?

Here it is.

Choose a project you’re working on.

And take 2 minutes to prepare and then deliver 2 minute talk.

Next up? Take 1 minute to prepare and then deliver 1 minute talk.

And for the final part, take 30 seconds to prepare and you’ve guessed deliver it in 30 seconds.

The idea is to share the same message but distil it each time.

When I do this with a client we have a chat about how it is to prepare and share each talk and I give them some feedback.

And it’s incredible what I hear.

“Mica – that really helped focus me on my words!” and “I feel calmer every time I do that.”

And “It’s helping me think more clearly, too.”

Try it.

You’d be amazed at how it can tighten up your communication.

And if you’re looking for a safe space to develop your communication skills drop me a line.


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