How your career can grow and flourish with communication skills coaching

Communication skills coaching has a lot to do with gardening. Are you after a brilliant pot plant, a section of your garden looking stunning or do you want the whole package: landscaping the lot, to create a wow factor among your colleagues and the leadership?

What I am talking about? Well, it all started when I went to the garden centre at the weekend. And it swallowed me whole.

It’s where, in addition to 15 other indoor and outdoor plants,  I picked up *Chamaedorea Elegans, which sounds like a posh sexually transmitted disease but isn’t.

The garden centre is there for all kinds of gardeners.

People to choose a plant.

To spruce up their home for the upcoming season with a few nick knacks.

Or to fit out their garden, and make a more serious investment.

As a customer you can dabble.

Or you can go all in.

And that’s what communication skills coaching is like.

Successful stakeholder management or how to smash that presentation

I’ve clients who come along to a couple of sessions to help with an event. They want to focus on something very specific.

A talk with a senior stakeholder who’s always intimidated them a bit, or that important meeting sharing scary statistics with the team. And so they’re after a stunning plant or basket of flowers.

How to to stand out from the crowd and get that promotion

I’ve other clients who come along on a semi-regular basis. 

They look at what they need to have/be and how their words and listening skills can help them get there.

Raise their visibility. Add value. Be considered for that big promotion.

These are the people that want a section of the garden cultivated. Have it looking all neat, organised and vibrant.

Perfect for the overachievers

And then I’ve the super ambitious and focused clients, the ones with a career strategy mapped out until they retire.

They come along for the new garden design experience.

They want landscaping. A path put in. A rock garden. A pond.

Serious work done.

They want to take it up quite a few notches.

Stand out.

Get noticed.

Have people talking about them - in the best kind of way.

What about you?

Where would you place yourself in these categories?

What benefits would help your career and how much “gardening work” could help with that?

How might communication skills coaching help you?

*for the record, Chamaedorea Elegans is not an STD, just a very elegant plant that looks really cool in your living room.


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Control the words around you, control your world