How to be a better writer

Writing and listening makes you a better writer. We all have that voice in our head and when we read that voice speaks the words in front of us.

Before you press send on your next piece of writing, read out your writing and ask yourself these questions:

  • Are you running out of breath due to long sentences?

  • Are you having to pause and think because there are commas everywhere?

  • Are you having to re-read it because you’re confused?

If you’ve read out your reading and answers to those questions have been yes, go back into the writing to make these changes. 

Long sentences? Make them shorter. Clearer and more focused. And it also helps to vary the length of sentences. Why? It adds variety. 

Comma chaos? Again, chop up your sentences. Your writing should show who is doing what when without people having to read it 3 times. And adding clarity to your writing means your reader will be on a path rather than stuck in a maze.

Tangled in knots? Simplify the words you use. This doesn’t mean sounding like a child but rather choosing words that say what you mean, and, an important one here, words that your audience understands.

Just 3 reasons why listening to that voice in your head will make you a better writer.

For the comment section: And if you’re reading this thinking, well, I’m not really a writer, do you write emails you want people to read, have to write reports at work, or post on social media to engage with people, then, in today’s world: you’re a writer.


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