Stuck and bored of your job? Reading this is your first step to freedom

Life and work can be tricky when you’re stuck. This gentle book takes you by the hand and helps you get unstuck.

Recently, a friend told me about a book. I was intrigued by the title and was also interested in what the book looks at because it explores some quite big issues but does so in a kind of gentle, storytelling way.

The book is called “The cafe on the edge of the world” and it’s a fairly short read of 125 pages.

It’s about John who is driving, gets lost and finally finds a cafe in the middle of nowhere.

Totally in the middle of nowhere.

How to get unstuck with a little help from your friends

Now this cafe is a bit unusual. Yes, it has delicious foods and it has nice service, actually it has amazing service, but the menu asks him more questions than what he'd like to eat.

And some of these questions are quite big things about life: what's important to him, how he wants his life to be.

What did I think of the book? I really enjoyed it and I've recommended it to a few people in the last few days. It's perfect if you are a bit stuck in life or in a transition period especially with a job.

Being in a job you hate and what to do about it

So, I know I'm going to be recommending this to my clients that I give career coaching to: people who want a new job or new career. They don't like what they're doing now, they're bored, they're frustrated but they're not sure what they want to do.

If that’s you, then this is a lovely companion to help you explore and ask questions and get to know yourself better.

Knowing your values, skills and strengths

The book is also great for checking in with yourself. I often advise my clients to reflect on what’s important to them every 2 or 3 years and to check in on their values, skills and strengths.

Are they making decisions that are in line with those in their career and in their life?

We all change as the years pass and what’s important to us can also change.

And this kind of book is a brilliant way of checking in with what is important to you. Now.

Gentle but thoughtful support

What I really liked about it is that it's gentle. This kind of topic could be quite confrontational. It could be deep and challenging with the big questions it asks.

But it does it this very nicely. So I suppose what I'd say is it holds big important topics quite lightly and I really appreciated that about it.

So, check it out “The Café on the Edge of the World.”

See what you think of the menu and what you would be ordering from it.


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