How to match learning design with learning needs

A tale of apple strudel, interpersonal dynamics... and monkeys. And why this is important if you’re thinking of getting some training and coaching for the folk in your organisation.

At our table was coffee, apple strudel and vanilla sauce. It was perfectly appley and the vanilla sauce was mmmm-mmm, sublime. We were in downtown Frankfurt and in front of the monkey enclosure at the zoo.

At first everything looked ticketyboo.

Happy collections of our distant relatives were running around, huddled in groups, and the scene looked harmonious. But as we sat enjoying our afternoon treat things became clearer.

We could see different groups emerging, some were noisy and raucous and others were quietly content, some were settled happily on their own and others were on their own looking a bit lost. And then there was the moment that seemed to come out of nowhere.

One large fella, let’s call him Alpha, actually, no, ALPHA is better, came and sat about an inch in front of another monkey. And stared.

After what felt like enough time to make and bake another apple strudel the sitting and staring was still happening. Then the monkey on the receiving end of the serious eyeballing moved away.

Now, this is not a post suggesting that our workplaces are full of monkeys.

It’s a reminder to become curious, ask thoughtful questions and get a solid understanding of your current workplace challenges.

Why? To dig a bit deeper and find out if what you think needs fixing or improving is actually what needs fixing or improving.

🥧 P.S. Apple strudel is not essential. But it could make the needs analysis more fun.


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