From confusion to clarity: The powerful magic of chemistry coaching calls

So, you’re thinking of getting coaching. And you’re wondering how to go about it. Maybe you’ve never done it before and aren’t sure where to start because there are loads and loads of coaches out there. Maybe you’ve had coaching and so it might feel a bit like getting back on a bike.

But one thing is for sure: you want to find a safe space to think, grow, make decisions, try things out and have some time for yourself. Boost your confidence. Improve your career development. Get serious about all that rather than just be banging on about it with friends month after month and saying that you will do something, you will.

Now, you want to take action and move things forward.

And a coach supports you doing all of these things.

At a pace that works for you.

Enter, the chemistry coaching call. Most of which are free and online (mines are). Which is nice, isn’t it?

So, how do things work in a coaching chemistry call?

Well, it’s a 30-minute meeting with a potential client.

Let’s take a potential client and call her Jo.

The idea with a chemistry call is to explore if Jo and I are a good fit to work together, for me to answer Jo’s questions about how coaching works, and for me to learn what’s brought Jo to consider coaching.

But first up, here’s what doesn’t happen:

🟡 There’s a Bunsen burner, a range of test tubes and a naked flame. Although, that does sound like fun, doesn’t it?

🟡 I grill Jo with 27 questions

🟡 The session provides a quick fix to a challenge that Jo’s had for years

In a chemistry call, both Jo and I create the how.

It’s about how we develop rapport through talking and listening to each other, how through talking with me Jo figures out if she finds me easy to talk with and importantly, be open with, and how I find out what’s brought Jo along and if and how I can help her.

And we have a chat about those things.

And explore what a coaching journey could involve for Jo.

One thing I sometimes hear from those who’ve not had coaching is ‘Isn’t it weird opening up to a total stranger?”

And that’s a good question.

What I’d say, is that when the connection between coach and client is strong and positive, and trust develops, then you don’t stay strangers for long.

Sometimes, there’s a click during the chemistry call and we decide to work together and start talking practical stuff – how often we’ll meet, for how long, that kind of thing.

Other times Jo will go and have a think about whether this is the right coach and coaching journey for her.

And that’s it.

That’s a coaching chemistry call.

So despite being #thecommunicationswizard, there’s no hocus-pocus, magic tricks or waving of wands.

If you’re thinking about coaching and boosting your communication skills, confidence and career, and a coaching chemistry call is something you’re interested in, you can do that just here.


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