Hello, I’m Mica Allan.

If you're looking to improve your communication skills, career, and confidence, you've come to the right place, welcome! As an ICF PCC coach, a communication skills coach and licensed career coach, I support my clients to speak with impact, improve their storytelling and executive presence and find a new job that makes them happy, whether they’ve been made redundant or are looking for a new direction.

Curious how I can help you or your organisation? Read on…

"I've had the pleasure to work with Mica as my communications coach and I have to say our sessions have been absolutely invaluable. I cannot recommend working with Mica enough! Mica always adapted the sessions to my needs, be that lending an ear and letting me vent, providing quick actionable advice and feedback on upcoming presentations, or jumping into a variety of communication exercises to improve my skills. I’ve come away with a greater appreciation for the skill of effective communication as well as a whole array of tips and tricks to be a better communicator. What sticks with me the most is Mica’s ability to bring the right level of energy for the session at hand. Sometimes I needed a burst of raw energy, enthusiasm, and even laughter - other times I needed a moment of quiet reflection. Mica certainly provided both, and knew when which was needed!"

Michael Carruthers
Engineering Manager
Delivery Hero

“Mica was my coach around the topic of presentation skills. I loved working with her! She's playful, curious, innovative and our sessions combined coaching with practical exercises and feedback. She created a safe space for me to practice, improve and increase my confidence, all of which helped me to be at my best in my work life. Our time working together helped unblock me in an area I had felt stuck in for some time, and I know I'll be calling on her again in the future!”

Louise Rushforth (Beeton)
Organisational Development Lead
Google DeepMind

“I worked with Mica for almost two months on my communication skills, and I have to admit that she is really a communication skills wizard. I had an extremely pleasant learning experience! I learned, I tried, I reflected, I improved and I think she managed to pull out the best of me. I am super happy that I have had Mica as my coach and I would pick her again if I have the chance.”

Georgi Ganev
Country General Manager
IBM Bulgaria